However, the number of attacks involving firearms and explosives also grew by 42% - 37 compared to 26 in 2011.
In this employ, they were sought out for the demanding and dangerous jobs involving explosives, often for half the pay of the Mexican workers.
He had no doubt he'd think of something annoying to do to it, probably involving high explosives.
The death sentence was also introduced for terrorism involving explosives and arson.
The attack involved both explosives and gunfire and resulted in the deaths of at least 175 people, with many more injured.
It could have been a mine or an accident involving explosives.
During his mandatory military service his hand was severely injured in an accident involving explosives.
In 1976, the company tried another approach, involving explosives.
Almost all recent terrorist attacks around the world have involved conventional explosives.
Most, but not all, military booby traps involve explosives.