The commonalities between the two plays involve parallels of plot elements and shared verbal expression and prosodic structure.
Lokadharmi abhinaya is the opposite: realistic and un-stylised, involving very natural expression and movement, as occurs in daily life.
It involves manual expression of the lens through a large (usually 10-12 mm) incision made in the cornea or sclera.
That is partly because the arts involve individualistic expression.
These kinds of cases almost always involve Christian expression, as this one did.
Other historical events involving Christian worship or expression are also often taboo.
The Brooklyn Museum, for example, is no stranger to controversy involving antiChristian expression.
Most of these decks can be used for play, especially play that involves imagination and expression.
The role of cyc in response to sleep deprivation involves expression of heat-shock genes, but is not fully understood.
Poor writing skills must interfere significantly with academic progress or daily activities that involves written expression (spelling, grammar, handwriting, punctuation, word usage, etc.).