While most of the fighting involved automatic gunfire, the combatants also fired mortars and rocket-propelled grenades.
A small number of murders and robberies involving gunfire have occurred in public areas nationwide.
Experts said yesterday that many deaths involving gunfire from colleagues were caused by crossfire between teams of officers who were firing at the same assailant.
It was that realization that ultimately led to the "freeze" on deployment of troops for missions that could involve live gunfire, a compromise that seemed necessary but satisfied no one.
Since January, 58 incidents involving gunfire have been reported in the area.
The street violence, which involved sustained gunfire between Israeli and Palestinian troops last Monday, provoked opposition forces on both sides to press their leaders to suspend the talks.
That shooting was one of three late Saturday night and early yesterday morning that involved automobiles and gunfire and that ended in death, the police said.
The attack involved both explosives and gunfire and resulted in the deaths of at least 175 people, with many more injured.
My crises usually involved gunfire, so no neighbors to get hurt had been my primary requisite in a house.
The FBI estimates that 1% or fewer of crimes that involve gunfire are committed with silenced gunfire.