Much of the rescue effort involved helicopters and all-terrain vehicles because the rugged area was so remote.
At least 83 people, including 24 women and children, were killed in the attack, which involved helicopters, artillery and armored personnel carriers.
Over the next two weeks a total of five searches were conducted involving aircraft, helicopters and up to 300 searchers.
The third raid involved helicopters armed with belt-fed machine guns.
The manoeuvres would involve several hundred soldiers, plus helicopters and naval support ships.
Beginning in the 1990s, the number of air ambulance crashes in the United States, mostly involving helicopters, began to climb.
Before it's all over, all of Marty's enemies have rallied against him in a plot that involves helicopters and a film crew.
Those planning to attack a chemical plant, a plot that involves helicopters, enroll in firearms and flight training programs.
The deaths, which involved troop-carrying helicopters, came as American ground forces took the lead in a large-scale combat operation for the first time.