One proposed scheme involves importing unwanted crabs from Europe, where they are seen as a pest, to replenish local pure-bred stock.
Part of that contract involves importing gasoline and other fuels to Iraq.
Bard's first business involved importing Gomenol, which was used to treat urinary discomfort.
One plan involves importing South American weevils who eat the plant in its Amazon home.
High-income tourism may well significantly increase leakage, as that industry likely involves importing more goods and services than usual.
A politically-controversial alternative would involve importing low-sulphur coal from overseas.
His principal commercial activities involve importing apparel, toys and other goods into Australia from China and share market investments, principally in retail companies.
It involved importing foods and fuels so as to be able to do jobs that resulted in exports of manufactures and services.
The East-West pipeline is the fourth in the series, and the only one that involves importing pipes, turbines and equipment.
The first step of the wizard involves importing video files from the computer's file system.