Less than 20 per cent of a surrogate's activity with men involves sexual intercourse.
Less than 2% of these involve intercourse or attempted intercourse.
The feeling didn't have to involve intercourse, but there did have to be sexual contact.
Church officials have said his sexual encounters were pornographic in nature but did not involve intercourse.
She said the encounters had not involved intercourse but "were pornographic" in nature.
"My husband and I learned to have a sexual relationship that didn't involve intercourse, but it really put a damper on things."
Greater recognition is afforded to coercive acts apart from those involving sexual intercourse.
He has a new lover now, and they have established a satisfactory, safe sexual relationship that does not involve intercourse.
Artificial insemination is a means of attaining pregnancy not involving sexual intercourse.
Their mating patterns involve sexual intercourse over several days, after which each mate returns to its single lifestyle.