A more active Japanese contribution to world affairs is desirable, but need not involve lowering inhibitions about the use of military force.
However, solutions that involve lowering the working time usually find high resistance.
Training a Hopfield net involves lowering the energy of states that the net should "remember".
It involves lowering income taxes while raising levies on environmentally destructive activities, in order to create a more responsive market.
The tonal changes associated with the potential aspect are complex, but always involve lowering the tone of the root.
The process involved lowering metal seat parts into the vat.
It's not as simple as it looks; achieving it involved lowering the bluff.
The project involved lowering Walker Road below the rail tracks.
Transport policy cannot solely involve lowering prices through unbridled competition.
This process involved lowering the rig onto the surface of the water, in order to float it to the new site.