His proposal demonstrates how evolutionary change involving several independent stepwise mutations might take place.
Announced in 2011, chromothripsis similarly involves multiple mutations, but asserts that they may all appear at once.
In fact, 51% of informative cases had deletions that did not involve somatic mutations in CDKN2A.
The rule (1) may even be generalised to involve mutations from different proteins allowing a combined diagnosis and therapy.
The genetic differences among divergent populations can involve silent mutations (that have no effect on the phenotype) or give rise to significant morphological and/or physiological changes.
Changes in chromosome number may involve even larger mutations, where segments of the DNA within chromosomes break and then rearrange.
Another possible mechanism involves mutations leading to ineffective GABA (the brain's most common inhibitory neurotransmitter) action.
All of these diseases involve mutations of genes containing the genetic codes for the production of specific proteins involved in the absorption and distribution of copper.
Carcinogenesis is a gradual process, involving multiple genetic mutations, thus every patient with malignancy presents with a heterogeneous population of cells.
The mechanism of action involves random, detrimental mutations of a kind that happen to show their effect only late in life.