Not all of them involve penetration of one person by another, for instance.
Clandestine operations involving surveillance and penetration of target facilities, including "black bag" style operations.
But, the prosecutor added, the charges "do not necessarily involve penetration."
Category D, carrying a maximum penalty of five years' imprisonment, would cover indecent assaults not involving penetration.
Absorption always involves internal penetration of a substance, whereas adsorption involves surface retention only.
The assault on the younger girl involved penetration, Mr. Corbin said.
These tactics involved deep penetration of the armoured formations supported behind enemy lines by bomb carrying aircraft.
His charges are sexual intercourse without consent, involving digital penetration, and assault with an act of indecency.
Non-consensual acts that involve actual penetration are rape rather than sexual assault.
The prosecutor asked Dr. Meyerhoff if he was aware of the woman's being involved in any other sexual encounters involving "penetration by a stick."