Initially, the stunting involved playing one song in a loop.
He does not even like the idea of the band's current tour, he says, which involves playing several days at a time in different cities.
The technique should not be confused with regular tapping, which always makes use of both hands and involves playing at least three or more notes.
Well, as long as the battle involves playing small ball every once in a while.
A basic strategy involves playing the legal card with the highest point value.
Now the truth is out: Army training involves playing video games, and what's more, the games are really good.
Omaha is a lot trickier, because it involves playing more than one hand.
Depending on the design of the game, this may involve playing through content that the player has already experienced.
Many of his roles involve playing a friend or sympathizer to the lead character.
The practice involves playing the foovlasha game to an extreme level.