Food policy involves both consumers and producers.
It involved producers, production managers and location experts, who talked about elevated platforms, municipal permits and limo lanes.
The coffee industry currently has a commodity chain that involves producers, middlemen exporters, importers, roasters, and retailers before reaching the consumer.
The marketing of jackfruit involved three groups: producers, traders (middlemen) including wholesalers, and retailers.
The panel blocked 12 other complaints, which involved mostly small foreign producers.
A film adaptation of the novel is also in the works, he said, and will probably involve Peruvian, Spanish and perhaps American producers.
The deal is one of several recently involving producers of generic drugs.
A simple representative model can be created involving only producers, consumers, and recyclers, but this is an open, incomplete system.
The term refers to certain self-serving tendencies of the human intellect, often involving professional producers and disseminators of ideas, who work with idea-formation all the time.
But the gun industry's inconsistent approach to safety involves producers of inexpensive and costly guns alike.