This reclamation involved pumping sand onto the eroding beach from far offshore.
Costing £120,000 over three years, the project involves pumping mud from the bottom of the lake.
And there are extraction techniques that involve pumping water, carbon dioxide, natural gas and a variety of chemicals under high pressure to flush out more oil.
An alternative to hypothermia caps involves pumping cold water through a specially adapted blanket, cooling the whole body.
The eight-inch pipe broke again during a test that involved pumping water into it at high pressure to check for leaks.
Shake Weight has gained popular attention and parody due to the fact that its use involves pumping a phallic object.
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, involved pumping a solution of chemicals and sand at high pressure through shale to crack the rock formation.
Beach nourishment involves pumping sand onto beaches to improve their health.
At Chase Manhattan, the biggest real estate problem involves pumping new life into older buildings erected years ago without much thought about making them profitable investments.
The process involves pumping heavyweight drilling mud into the well.