High-tech services not only involve repairing the hardware but also include maintaining and updating software, consulting and training.
Then, a few weeks ago, a major overhaul of the building's tan brick facade began, a project that involved repairing bricks, mortar and balconies.
In fact, her first mission for the da Vinci involved repairing a communications relay by crawling across its outer surface.
This process typically involves repairing any damaged areas.
The six-hour spacewalk today also involved repairing a design defect in the cooling-loop pipes as well as maintenance work.
This is usually a major task and involves repairing the ceiling.
Part of that contract involved repairing a crucial pipeline link that American bombing had severed in the course of the invasion.
Any plan to return the PATH train to service will also involve repairing water damage to the system.
The last capital project in the park - which involved repairing fences and walkways that are again in disrepair - took place in 1997.
He said that the $1.2 million project involves repairing the roof, the exterior masonry and the heating system in the 57-year-old, 140,000-square-foot building.