Their reasoning often involves space, nature, light, life style, serenity, economics and, not infrequently, the Island's special geography.
One type of contrast that involves both time and space is metacontrast and paracontrast.
It seems to involve space, peanuts and a stoic refusal to believe in past or future time.
I have always thought that man's ultimate destiny involved space.
In this way, the use of schemata is supposed to involve both space and time, instead of merely time.
The broadest message involved open space, an issue on which Vice President Al Gore has been increasingly vocal.
Matters that involve space are going to involve Taurans.
I see the slow dissolves in "Kane," and the emotion of a face looking back on its past: the looking involves space and time.
AEi Systems' power supply analysis and design expertise has also been sought for commercial and industrial projects not involving space or defense.
A large chunk of the practical applications involving space is already controlled by the market, and I feel that this is dangerous.