Lots of it, probably involving pain, dismemberment, and emotional suffering beforehand.
What makes this practice abhorrent is the fact that recovery from surgery, as we all know, involves shock, pain, distress, and suffering.
Other martyr complexes involve willful suffering in the name of love or duty.
Coming home should never involve so much pain and suffering, he thought.
Any increase in density of stocking will involve dire suffering for the sheep.
The rabbi explains the custom by saying that Israel's cup of joy cannot be full if her triumph involves suffering, even for her enemies.
While the killing of animals need not necessarily involve suffering, the general public considers killing an animal an act that reduces its welfare.
"In pain shall you bear children" was interpreted broadly to mean that the whole process of producing and raising children involves suffering.
Marc had been more straightforward: Extraordinary mental expansion inevitably involved mental suffering.
High-quality palliative care can make the difference between a comfortable existence and one that involves much suffering.