He always did what was asked of him, even if it involved traveling overnight.
The campaign involved traveling long distances to reach the large state's scattered population.
The plot involves traveling with a child on a train.
The bulk of each game involves traveling between different screens in a predetermined area which has various educational activities.
Most sports involve travelling to various locations across the country, mainly on Wednesday afternoons.
In such situations time and expense involved travelling abroad is sometimes small compared with the size and value of the potential order.
The other reason involves traveling to Europe or Asia.
"Live shows" involve traveling to a given location to present one's model horses in person, alongside the models of other hobbyists.
Serving the party as general secretary he earned 12,000 marks per month for a role that largely involved travelling Germany drumming up support.
This pilgrimage involved travelling to 33 locations across the eight provinces of the Bando area.