The investigator soon received electronic mail containing a sexually explicit image involving a girl who clearly appeared to be a minor.
Another right-to-die case, in Ohio, involving a girl injured in an automobile accident, has raised many of the same issues.
In the second case, involving a teen-age girl, the state medical examiner, who had been appointed by her son, issued a ruling that cleared her.
An appeals court in Denver determined that a marriage involving a 38-year-old man and a 15-year-old girl had not violated Colorado law.
Soon other mysterious events take place in the hospital, involving a young girl haunted by ghosts and a serial killer targeting Japanese soldiers.
But Peter is having visions of his own involving a woman, a little girl and a killing outside the flower store.
He cited a 1938 case from Leipzig involving a girl who, though baptized, had two Jewish grandparents.
Today's decision came in a 1990 case involving a 17-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl who were living in the same house and knew each other.
Thomas Kolarczyk, a nurse, was arrested last week on charges involving a 16-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy.
For example, in one sequence the following events (all involving a girl) were depicted: