But those have come as smaller charges in broader cases involving allegations of Al Qaeda support.
Cases involving allegations of RUC assault cost the taxpayer £69,900.
In cases involving fatalities or allegations of serious misconduct, the Authority does conduct its own investigations.
Mohammed has testified as an "expert witness" for the prosecution in cases involving allegations of terrorism-related activities.
Many of the cases, involving decades-old and sometimes ambiguous allegations, have been difficult to resolve, church officials say.
Over all, the Army's criminal investigators have examined 308 cases involving allegations of mistreating detainees.
In Bronx Family Court, cases involving allegations of child abuse and neglect are up 140 percent since last fall.
The state police are investigating two cases involving allegations of child abuse and one case stemming from the riot.
Under current law, the agency can seek fines only in cases involving allegations of insider trading.
Currently, he is trying to straighten out a mess involving a newly approved team owner and allegations of financial shenanigans.