Other enclosure designs redirect the inward pressure outward, using it to supplement the forward sound wave.
While their column footings reached bedrock, a foundation wall had to be built around them to resist the tremendous inward pressure from the riverside soil.
Trongs stand on the table like a tripod and the user is able to lift them by applying a slight inward pressure.
It could have been tissue ripping under some unimaginable inward pressure rather than a conscious exercise of vocal cords.
It follows from this that if the surface tensions are equal, a small alveolus will experience a greater inward pressure than a large alveolus.
According to Descartes, this inward pressure is nothing else than gravity.
At last, he delivered a twisting inward pressure to the left.
It would take years to slow the inward brute pressure.
When it is stretched, the bladder wants to return to its natural shape, so it applies a good deal of inward pressure on the water.
If the Eustachian tube is blocked, the inward pressure on the eardrum can be quite painful.