Four irate men with death in their eyes, stood in a ring around Sohrab.
An irate man cut to the front of the line and yelled that his card wasn't working.
He smiled a little, chuckled at the irate old man.
I turned to see an irate man, clearly a Were by his slight size and build, hanging halfway out of the back office.
This information seemed to have a mollifying effect, and the irate young man favored Martin with a measuring stare.
The irate man looks at them, then he sits down.
I really wasn't prepared for any conversation with the large and irate man who stood before me.
The girl was insistent, until the irate man called a cop over.
The irate older man was saying, "I had vital aspects of my investigations to complete.
The young inventor gave one look at the irate man who was coming out in his true colors.