In between them shot small iridescent fish, which seemed to be seeking refuge from the roaring convoy passing over them.
There was even a marble pool inhabited by iridescent manic fish, which gazed up at the two men eagerly.
On tiny Granito de Oro, with white sands and lonely palm trees, we swam among iridescent fish and basked in a morning of scorching sunshine.
As you cross the road, they tolerantly weave around you, like shoals of iridescent fish.
So did thousands of iridescent, silvery-indigo fish, ranging from fingerling size to about a foot long, eating the krill and fry as if there were no tomorrow.
Hanging in the center of the vast two-story dining room is an iridescent mobile of glass, metal, coral and paper fish, with shimmering disks that reflect light.
Brightly hued snappers mingled with huge parrot fish and groupers while little iridescent yellow-and-purple tropical fish darted around tiny brown-and-red sea horses.
For their research, the scientists are using a cross between two iridescent tropical fish, a platyfish and a swordtail, both of which are only an inch long.
Behind the reception desk is a back-lit, blue-green stained glass wall, covered with hand-painted iridescent fish.
The oblong glass aquarium with four iridescent tropical fish, however, is going with her.