Then a white iridescent glow appeared suddenly, pervading the entire volume of the tank.
Lisa felt an iridescent glow spread through her.
An iridescent glow, which shimmers across the surface of so many of these works, gives meaning to the word "opulence" in the show's title.
His farsight picked out a tiny iridescent glow that suddenly appeared inside the thicket.
Its iridescent glow caught the reflection of the light above and transformed that eerie blue into a myriad of ever-changing shades.
Slowly it became larger until those below could see a man dressed in a blinding white robe, shining with an iridescent glow.
Its body appeared to be covered with aluminum foil that gave off a mild iridescent glow.
On the other side of the Run, Future Haven showed an iridescent glow through its solid but translucent walls.
On the right, quite far behind the fence, was the iridescent glow of greenish blue light and the sound of water splashing.
A living, breathing creature lay quietly at feet, robed in an iridescent glow.