The entire composition was then stabilized with an iron armature and mounted in the window.
A lantern made of handmade paper in a black iron armature from Indonesia is $250 at Hart & Heilmann.
This produces a magnetic field which pulls an iron armature and actuates the water valve.
The Magnetic Flagman wigwag waves its target with large, black electromagnets pulling against an iron armature.
In 2006 the artists began to produce functional tables of cast and blown glass supported by a wrought iron armature.
It was probably first crafted with concrete using an iron armature by the inventor of ferrocement, Joseph Monier.
Part of the skeleton had already been covered with straw and paste, and it was all supported by an iron armature.
Because zinc cannot hold its own weight in a life-size sculpture, the statues had internal iron armatures, which have fallen prey to severe rusting.
A small residual field in the iron armature of the field coils acted as a weak permanent magnet, and thus a magneto.