The fish gaped at him, and he saw the hook still holding lightly on the very lip of the iron black beak.
An armored pilot house was on the foredeck just above the four-foot iron beak.
She saw the great barbaric head snap its iron beak at her and she smelt hot tar.
Already they were turning on Ged again, coming quick and ungainly with iron beaks stretched out agape.
Spirits had lived in those trees, so the stories said, demon-things with iron beaks who'd chew your soul into rags.
Buthe had seen a demon with an iron beak sail from a green shadow and fired.
On the crest of this was the nest where cried five offspring of the monster, their iron beaks gaping for the prey the mother bore.
On the third night, they were attacked by ravens with iron beaks and claws, once again causing a death in every ship.
In Russian folklore Gagana is a miraculous bird with an iron beak and copper claws.
You of the gentry, you've pecked at us enough with your iron beaks.