Say - a guy could even hide in that iron coffin over there, if he wanted to pull the door shut after him.
In the corner was an iron maiden, an actual iron coffin with spikes inside it.
A sunken German sub-an iron coffin buried in a tomb of sand.
It was an airless crypt, an iron coffin that had taken these men to their deaths.
Some unholy power had kept them alive, as living corpses in an iron coffin.
Cast iron coffins were popular in the mid-1800s among wealthier families.
The ceiling was low, heightening the sense of closeness, of being shut in an iron coffin.
'His hand was welded to my back', she tells her daughter of the courtship with the paterfamilias now buried in an iron coffin.
His corpse, in its distinctive iron coffin, was moved several times over the next decades, but is now lost.
The bed of spikes, the iron coffin, the blackened pit - all were formidable.