Both the sensitivity and the temperature range depends on the iron concentration.
Usually, in most cases the increased iron concentration in culture media does not lead to cytotoxic effects.
The rock debris has high iron concentration.
IsrR is abundant when there is a sufficient iron concentration.
The park owes its name to the springs with high iron concentration.
Iron deposition is prevalent in siderotic brain tissues, with iron concentrations of 1.79 to 8.26 times normal levels.
Upstream of the tunnel, the average iron concentration is 380 micrograms per liter.
Downstream of the tunnel, the average iron concentration is 1946.67 micrograms per liter.
This lead Martin to speculate that increased iron concentrations in the oceans could partly explain past ice ages.
Such an experiment can include data on water pH, and iron concentration, which are the two most common causes of yellowing in plants.