His entire upper body flushed red, and the veins and sinewy muscles stood out like iron cords in his huge arms.
The desperate firbolg strained with all his might; leg muscles flexed and ripped and stood out like iron cords.
O MASTER of the ring of love, O lord Of all desires, and king of all the stars, O strong magician, who with locks and bars Dost seal that kingdom silent and abhorred That stretches out and binds with iron cord The hopes and lives of men, and makes and mars!
He subsequently ordered the ships tied to each other, and to the banks (with iron cords, so that they could not be easily cut and set adrift).
So Pacheco ordered the two caravels (under Pêro Rafael and Diogo Pires) to anchor in at Palurte with iron cords, while he proceeded with the two smaller bateis on to Palignar ford.
"One incident that I'll never forget was when my mother beat me with an iron cord when I delivered a nasty message from my grandmother," she said.
His muscles bunched into iron cords, and his claws came out.
But the seeds of his identity ran deeper than he would have thought possible, and amid the darker feelings wound an iron cord of determination that would have required him to die First.
His thews seemed ready to burst from his arms and shoulders, yet the muscles of the Cimmerian's thick neck did not give, they felt like masses of woven iron cords under his desperate fingers.
It is fitted to a hoop of thin-walled tubing, from which mono-crystalline iron cords lead to the hull.