Classic of the Plough, a book described in detail the curved iron plough.
Intensive farming methods introduced by the Romans included the introduction of new crops, the draining of marshes, and iron ploughs.
He had ploughed for the potatoes with an iron plough, which he called a 'plougher', borrowed from the landowner.
Strongly believing that agricultural implements must fit the milieu they are used in, he manufactured iron ploughs, the first Kirloskar products.
It gave India its first iron plough, water pump, diesel engine and machine tool.
Use of wooden ploughs is overwhelming while the number of iron ploughs is negligible.
It's even the case that the iron plough, apparently, was comparatively rare in peasant China at this time.
Before any trees were set the land was turned with an iron plough, with planting taking him ten years to complete.
He describes (amongst other items) an antique iron plough.
Human hands gave way to the iron plough and the use of animals to clear dense forests to utilize the rich topsoil.