It is the often irrational actions of the man that keep us all a bit worried.
It cannot be said that (the Kansas law) is an arbitrary or irrational legislative action.
When dramatizing, the individual is like an actor playing his dictated part and going through a whole series of irrational actions.
I felt afraid, and all my irrational actions could be seen as a response to unacknowledged fear.
Humans are inclined to take irrational actions because their religions give them the righteous high ground.
However, he also noted that Izzie's irrational actions during crisis situations may be bothering.
Perhaps that would help to explain what he had first thought to be her irrational action.
Could not possible be held responsible for the irrational actions of a single individual.
The impulse which moves him to irrational action I have called the sense of glory.
To mature is to regress from logical thought to irrational action.