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Another might find a source of fascination there, an irrational feeling impossible to explain to anyone who did not share it.
An irrational feeling of annoyance shot through Kathryn, a sure bet she was going to say something that would land her in trouble.
I have the feeling, irrational, perhaps, that the development is going to be very rapid indeed.
The knowledge that I couldn't do anything in any case didn't stop my irrational feeling of loss.
He was a defender of "common sense" against metaphysics and irrational feeling.
I had the irrational feeling that I wanted her for my mother.
He'd had an irrational feeling that something must have happened in his absence, simply because he hadn't been there, but he was wrong.
"It's me," she said to cover her sudden, irrational feeling of guilt.
However irrational this feeling was, he thought he'd better trust it when it became so strong.
And, to add to that, you subject yourself to this thoroughly irrational feeling of regret-of-absence.