No man can survive the moment of pronouncing himself irredeemably evil; should he do it, his next moment is insanity or suicide.
We expect the corrupt Baron Scarpia, for instance, to be irredeemably evil, but he is introduced in an understated way that makes him more complex and at times more human.
And, while they are of course irredeemably evil, they are not always bad.
It taught us that human beings can be irredeemably evil.
To most Israelis, Mr. Assad is irredeemably evil.
Their theology was based principally on the belief that the physical world, including the flesh, was irredeemably evil - as it stemmed from the evil principle or "demiurge".
Madam President, terrorism is irredeemably evil.
The demons are portrayed as extremely powerful and irredeemably evil creatures but are nonetheless used to great comic effect.
For if Rajari was not fundamentally and irredeemably evil, then that gave Soleta some hope for herself.