Long-standing lies that are believed to be irrefutable truths are identified as the most dangerous.
No matter how fantastic or improbable her statements, she always delivered them as if they were the irrefutable truth.
Established by Profero in 2009, Connect was a direct response to the irrefutable truth that the Internet changed traditional marketing, communications and service delivery.
'Miss Jean doesn't want to look at a lot of trains,' said Grenade with irrefutable truth.
Driving that axiom is a simple, irrefutable truth: Regional food tastes best in its region.
The lieutenant said the words softly, a benediction, a sublime pronouncement of irrefutable truth.
Only the shattering, irrefutable truth: a band of starving children who should not exist at all.
There was silence in the chamber, the kind of silence that follows a statement of unpleasant but irrefutable truth.
"This is happening because of irrefutable Haitian truths," Mr. Maguire said.
Except the stark, irrefutable truth that she had to admit, even to herself, was that she wasn't seeing him that way.