He began the long trip upward, toward an irregular, inward curve that marred the rough circle of the brink.
Papyrus has a number of distinctive characteristics, including rough edges, irregular curves, and high horizontal strokes in the capitals.
Noguchi's coffee table has a rounded glass triangle as a top supported by two irregular curves, one at right angles to the other.
This sedum is prone to fasciation (cristate forms), which produces attractive cactus-like forms, with irregular curves.
They rounded an irregular curve and met a niche neatly cut off by a chainlink fence.
The combined data gave an irregular, asymmetrical light curve with a period of 6.163 0.005 hours and a brightness variation of 0.10-0.15 in magnitude.
The hand-carriage was spinning away before us at a most indecorous pace for an invalid vehicle, and was making most irregular curves upon the sand.
The boat sloshed in irregular curves as it followed the route Dug and Jenny had prescribed.
Each window frame, bathroom sink and piece of teak paneling had to be measured and fabricated to accommodate the irregular, subtle curves of a boat.
The ledge continued, hugging the irregular curve of the mountain, sometimes slanting up, sometimes down, sometimes having steps, sometimes a ramp.