Because the churches also served as centres of learning, many irreplaceable documents, books and other cultural artefacts went up in flames during the raids.
Another enticement was that the Society would permanently hold "security copies" on film of otherwise irreplaceable documents, should anything happen to the original records.
When the war was over, she was often robbed and great number of irreplaceable documents, machines, works of art disappeared.
And his views of London before and after the fire are irreplaceable historic documents.
"And, of course, a high level of security is also necessary for these irreplaceable documents."
Couriers carried important people, emergency supplies, engineering prototypes, irreplaceable documents.
Many irreplaceable historical documents and artifacts of civilization in Sri Lanka were lost forever.
Police officers and firemen were able to save the town's irreplaceable documents, books, and articles.
But one simply didn't go about asking underage children if they just happened to have been entrusted with irreplaceable documents.
Many irreplaceable documents which recorded early cricket matches are believed to have been lost.