Still, the $5,000 offered for information leading to the recovery of these irreplaceable items may prove tempting to somebody in the know.
Only the irreplaceable items were to go, hence the museum was still well stocked with exhibits.
The Presidential Libraries work to ensure that these irreplaceable items are preserved and made available for the widest possible use by researchers.
Registered Mail is used for highly valuable or irreplaceable items, and classified information up to the "secret" level.
It may be wise to purchase a fireproof safe for irreplaceable items.
We can't afford to lose such irreplaceable items.
Personal Property: Travelers should always leave valuables and irreplaceable items in a safe place, or avoid bringing them at all.
For starters, avoid bringing expensive or irreplaceable items on the road, and don't flaunt what wealth you do have.
The Harts said they lost irreplaceable items of sentimental value in the barn fire.
It was the one truly irreplaceable item.