He was a lightly built olive-skinned man, with good features and an irrepressible smile which broke forth even when he was speaking seriously.
But then I think about that irrepressible smile on David's face when his bat struck the ball.
He'd notice my evasive eyes, the corners of my mouth turned up in an irrepressible smile.
Nurse Newton opened his door; a huge black woman with an irrepressible smile who reassured him more than all the other nurses put together.
Well,' said Taen, her most irrepressible smile creeping through, 'we'd better go and meet him.
There is often no knowing what will provoke a wide-open, irrepressible smile.
"I love it well enough the way you turned out," he had whispered with a sudden irrepressible smile, the warmth still there.
Outside the ring, an irrepressible smile seems etched on his boyish face; inside, he has learned to bear an unsmiling countenance.
"It was like a reception for the president," the 23-year-old Loroupe said yesterday with her irrepressible smile.
Janet's expression dissolved suddenly into her irrepressible smile.