Every so often he would swing one knee to his own irresistible rhythms.
But as listeners strained to hear, those sounds and others like them were eventually overwhelmed by the thunderous percussion and irresistible rhythm of the nearby Manhattan Samba.
Jivers young and old wiggled their bodies to the irresistible African rhythms.
At the same time as each style speaks directly to its core community, irresistible rhythms invite outsiders to join the dance.
Of course, you're less likely to leave "4 Guys" contemplating cultural identity than twitching your shoulders to the memory of irresistible rhythms.
His body slaps against a door jamb in ecstatic counterpoint to the irresistible rhythms.
Pigment builds up in rough piles, in irresistible rhythms, but always there is the sense of the space between strokes.
And dimly through the ecstasy, she felt Tristan's hips go into their final irresistible rhythm.
As the drums continued, accompanied by the sound of native flutes and gourd rattles, the Wan-gurus were caught up in the irresistible rhythm.
ELEVEN hyper-alert dancers stood stock still in a line, fighting the irresistible rhythms of the pulsing Arabic music.