The idea was irresistibly funny.
And there is Burke himself, the irresistibly funny embodiment of modern Hollywood at its most monstrous.
You keep waiting for things to become irresistibly funny, but they almost never do.
He laughed again, seeming to find the idea of Bella being blown away, irresistibly funny.
True, the astronomer had laughed when he was floundering in the dust, but he must have been an irresistibly funny sight.
The combination is irresistibly funny.
Psychiatry is common today, and it is irresistibly funny to imagine a mob boss who is an emotional wreck.
He confronts them for their constant laughing at any dirty words and last names of students which they find irresistibly funny.
When he steps off his self-serving soap box, he can still be an irresistibly funny stand-up artist.
Their scenes together have an irresistibly funny tenderness, since Joe has other conspicuous love interests and, when with Adolpho, is such an unlikely romantic.