The statement, echoing a complaint often made by researchers, also denounced "irresponsible accusations by people such as these (I.D.A.) who would not know how to take care of a chimpanzee."
He charged that several critics themselves had made irresponsible accusations against the film makers.
He also criticized João Francisco Daniel for what he described as irresponsible accusations.
True or not, McCarthy's irresponsible accusations caught the public ear, made headlines, and sold newspapers.
He also rejected what he called "the irresponsible and malicious accusations" that the Government was involved in the bombing.
"These are irresponsible accusations made to confuse the public," Mr. Cacho said.
"But we also regret irresponsible accusations questioning the intentions and integrity of Stanford and university officials."
"The blogorai, as I call it, is the new way of making irresponsible accusations," he said.
"In fact," Mr. Boyle said, "there are so many refutable claims and irresponsible accusations contained in this 175-page report that it would take another 175 pages to correct the errors."
Article which discusses irresponsible accusation against Poland including reference to German death camps as "Polish" death camps.