The Lithuanian leadership responded to this appeal for common sense with the escalation of irresponsible and illegitimate decisions.
The country is drowning in irresponsible decisions.
Hague & Cameron both voted enthusiastically for the Iraq war, a supremely irresponsible decision that eventually revealed a foundation of lies.
King denounced Holder's plan "as the most irresponsible decision ever made by any attorney general."
New York's Legislature appears poised to make a highly irresponsible decision about one of the state's most important offices.
Unless it is reversed, this irresponsible decision will haunt us all for generations.
"I feel a responsibility not to make a fiscally irresponsible decision in the face of intimidation."
They can happen at any time and often arise from a momentary lapse in judgment or an irresponsible decision.
On this point, Parliament is about to take an irresponsible decision.
Nevertheless, working for Mr. Perot was "the most difficult, irresponsible and stupid decision of my life," which is saying something.