An aide to Prime Minister John Major said that irresponsible owners will simply refuse to register their animals.
Poll, 19 Jan 2012: The RSPCA has called for compulsory microchipping in an attempt to deal with irresponsible owners of dangerous dogs.
Williams agreed with Ewing's contention last week that exorbitant deals offered by financially irresponsible owners have led to the labor strife.
Additionally, Gattis passed HB 1355, which deals with punishment of irresponsible owners in the case of serious dog attacks.
It was disappointing that the column ridiculed worthy efforts to curtail the last vestiges of discrimination against Native Americans or punish irresponsible owners of pitbulls that cause bodily harm to other people.
An opposing argument is that no breed is inherently aggressive towards humans and that regulating one breed simply moves the irresponsible owners to start focusing on breeds that haven't yet been regulated, moving the problem to other breeds.
But what if the tenant was an irresponsible owner when he had his previous pet?
The individuals may be stray pets, or descended from strays, or from litters dumped in wild or rural areas by irresponsible owners.
She blames irresponsible owners and public hysteria for the intense hostility that has made her afraid to take her dogs for a walk.
This may be attributed to irresponsible owners who do not spay or neuter pets (which results in unwanted litters), as well the tendency of consumers to obtain pets via means other than adoption.