Failure to do so would result in "significant risk" of "irreversible climatic shifts", the statement added.
The successive Brandenburg dukes would make nominal concessions, to satisfy the Commonwealth's expediencies and justify the granting of privileges, but an irreversible shift in relations was taking place.
She promised to seek an "irreversible shift" in the way Britain is governed by extending the principles that guided Britain's economic recovery to the "more challenging ground" of social policy and local government.
In each election manifesto between 1970 and 1983, Labour promised a 'fundamental and irreversible shift in the balance of power and wealth to working people'.
That would make irreversible the shift to democracy, market economics and social pluralism in the former communist states.
This contrasts with the two major irreversible shifts of a woman's life, first to puberty, then to menopause.
Wetmore and a few others favored the change, arguing that an irreversible shift in the character of the block had already occurred.
This interview with marketing guru and bigtime blogger Seth Godin highlights a raft of substantial and probably irreversible shifts that continue to bewilder the big r..
The computer-mediation of work is, in historical terms, the most recent substantial and irreversible shift from the embedded and analogical to the abstract and conceptual.
There is a significant risk that many of the trends will accelerate, leading to an increasing risk of abrupt or irreversible climatic shifts.