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The new philosophy commits the party to defending a political status for the island that is based in the irrevocable right of the people of Puerto Rico to form a sovereign country.
An irrevocable right to be recognized as the work's creator appears in some countries' copyright laws.
Each person acquires the irrevocable and exclusive right over the body of the other for the purposes of procreation.
"We have a legal, unilateral, irrevocable right to take 50 percent of SportsChannel," said James Gallagher, a spokesman for ITT.
He contended that easements created in 1937, when the complex was divided into the Towers and the Gardens, gave everyone irrevocable rights to the pool.
It is an hereditary aristocracy, assuming and asserting indefeasible, irrevocable rights and authority, wholly independent of the Nation.
Article 61- The Constitution guarantees Hondurans and foreigners residents in the country the irrevocable right to life, personal safety, freedom, and equality before the law and [the right] to property.
It also fights for responsible taxation, minority rights defense, promotes alter-globalization, demilitarization, implementation of public housing policy and the irrevocable right to dissidence.
The Commission, in asking for the urgent procedure, is doing so in a way which is unacceptable to Parliament, since it deprives us of this essential and irrevocable right.
The irrevocable rights of parents and the permanent removal and placement of children is arranged today is arranged by attorneys, physicians, and anyone who hangs out a shingle and calls their business an adoption agency.