Even quite ordinary forms of stress can have an exaggerated effect on an irritable bowel.
They can range from pain and sleep problems to dry eyes and irritable bowel.
Irritable bowel is very common and there's a whole spectrum of severity from mild to severe.
Far too much of the movie's energy is devoted to rampaging hormones and irritable bowels.
Autonomic dysfunction is most likely responsible for irritable bowel syndrome in many patients as well.
Don't just assume that these symptoms are caused by a stomach bug, irritable bowel, or an infection.
Early theories suggested that the irritable bowel was caused by a psychosomatic or mental disorder.
In animal studies, ramosetron was also effective against irritable bowel syndrome-like symptoms.
Now mauve factor is found to be related to patients with chronic fatigue, arthritis, irritable bowel, heart disease and even cancer.
Similarly, whether dietary fiber helps prevent inflammatory or irritable bowel disease is uncertain.