When any of these layers is inadequately produced, the result is likely to be an overly dry, easily irritated eye.
Many had experienced acute health problems like skin rashes, irritated eyes and respiratory distress - all signs of pesticide poisoning.
A strong smoke smell was very clear, and there were reports of people with irritated eyes, noses and lungs.
I tried to rub my irritated eyes to restore some moisture to them.
He glared at Jack through an irritated eye.
Felipe de Santis sat at the wheel, his eyes dark and irritated as he approached at speed over the rough ground.
This medication is used to relieve dry, irritated eyes.
Liet blinked moisture from his irritated eyes and shuddered.
This pollution can also cause minor respiratory problems such as sinusitis, dry throat and irritated eyes.
Jenny blinked back tears from irritated eyes as she waited for Sejanus.