Probably the most irritating aspect of the answering-machine phenomenon is having to listen to cute messages.
This has its irritating aspects, of course: an aggrieved petulance when wishes aren't granted instantly and a bottomless hunger for attention.
That was the most irritating aspect; he understood the furies that propelled him, and he disliked himself for even contemplating submission to them.
It also transmits a head-over-heels love for the theater that makes you forgive its more irritating aspects.
Looked at coldly, the show has its irritating aspects.
One particularly irritating aspect of the design is forcing the user to save a document to the disk before actually starting to work on it.
One of the more irritating aspects of college basketball is that the coaches often receive too much attention.
Still, it's a long way to the end of this project, and some of the more irritating aspects are yet to come.
The situation is an irritating aspect of Parliamentarianism, especially as it has happened again and again and will happen, I suppose, in the future also.
An irritating aspect for journalists inside the fence is that everything is presumed secret until proven otherwise.