The 50-joule threshold, however, can be considerably lowered when the victim's heart is under ischemic conditions, such as in coronary artery insufficiency.
In addition to critical limb ischaemia, and acute limb ischaemia, there are several other related ischemic conditions which exist.
Anterior segment ischemic syndrome is a similar ischemic condition of anterior segment usually seen in post-surgical cases.
Researchers have begun to examine the potential of synthetic neuroprotection to minimize the amount of lesioning in patients exposed to ischemic conditions.
By regulating the effective carnitine concentration, treatment with mildronate shifts the myocardial energy metabolism from fatty acid oxidation to the more favourable glucose oxidation under ischemic conditions.
Tongue necrosis owing to local or systemic ischemic conditions, most commonly giant cell arteritis.
At low pH, (5.5-6.5 range, as occurs under ischemic conditions) however, its transport efficiency for adenosine becomes greater than for serotonin.
Officials at the Santiago Military Hospital said his condition was improving after a "temporary ischemic condition", or interruption of blood flow to the brain.
It also increases oxygen availability to brain tissue and provides protection under hypoxic or ischemic conditions, potentially limiting brain damage.
Moreover, it is involved in tumorigenesis, the development of autoimmune diseases and mechanisms of neuronal damage after transient ischemic conditions.