The final scene shows Tom, after 30 years in a steel cage, exploring his new island habitat.
These cormorants evolved on an island habitat that was free of predators.
Ever since Darwin landed on the Galápagos, scientists have understood that island habitats are special.
The island habitat has suffered from the presence from multiple invasive exotic species.
To save island habitats around the world, Seacology staff initiate new projects by first holding meetings with local villagers to determine their needs.
You can take a narrated cruise to observe monkeys and apes living freely in an island habitat.
Only one mature tree grows outside its native island habitat.
In truth, the focal point of my island habitat is its numerous malls and outstanding restaurants.
"We want to create a second island habitat and the conditions on Moskito are perfect."
There have been cases of pygmy dinosaurs that lived in island habitats.