P, usty Bennett judged the block contained communal cells, and that the buildings were places to isolate individuals, under interrogation.
O'Brien scanned quickly through the rest of the station, and discovered that Enak had isolated several individuals or small groups in various places.
For centuries, monasteries and nunneries have isolated individuals for this very reason.
Perhaps the tendency to violence is increased by this society's remarkable ability to mirror itself through the media and, at the same time, to isolate individuals.
Sleeping Beauty), and after subsequent breeding, isolating individuals with an aberrant phenotype.
Due to a paucity of resources, it was more cost effective to simply isolate mentally unstable individuals rather than invest in effective, yet costly kittens.
Surveillance tends to isolate individuals from one another while setting forth a one-way visibility to authority figures.
Minds in crowds so thick that Giskard could not isolate individuals.
We are also required to effectively isolate individuals who represent a serious threat.
With our credit account system, we could isolate individuals.