At the same time, the Palestinians issued a caustic attack on the Clinton administration's "mistakes and failures" in earlier talks.
Subsequently the Louisiana Republican Party issued a personal attack on Forgotston for his role in killing the tax plan.
In a 1925 pastoral letter, the Archbishop issued a scathing attack on the Fascist government, which subsequently halted the letter's publication.
This prompted Syrian state TV to issue a "withering attack" on him.
In a recent sermon, which was broadcast to his followers, he issued a blistering attack, including a curse, on the leftist education minister, Yossi Sarid.
Even the British colonial Government issued a long attack on Mr. Tung's proposals.
And each day he issues a new snappy attack on Dr. Dean.
He denounced Dada in 1921, and issued a personal attack against Breton in the final issue of 391, in 1924.
The defiant Doubleday also issued a stinging attack on the 18 owners who unseated Vincent.
She also issued a biting attack on the Rowland and Curry tax-cut plans, saying both would force the state to raise taxes on business.